Form Validation

Form Validation is a project that I created by myself. I decided to take on this project because after researching some common tasks in web development, I found that validating form data is a common occurrence in web development. As I am not exactly well versed in what the industry standard is with validating form data other than emails, I figured that one way to approaching this project is to learn regular expressions (RegEx) and validate form data through character patterns. As for contribution to this project, like I said in the beginning, this was a completely solo project that I wanted to take on out of my own interest. I suppose you could say I was the project manager, lead programmer, lead designer, and lead this and that.

In this project, there were quite a few new experiences. As I felt that I had a good amount of experience with vanilla JavaScript, I decided that this would be a good opportunity for me to learn Vue.js, a framework I have been wanting to learn for a long time and that is quickly rising in popularity. Expanding on that, I learned the component system that Vue.js uses and how this framework really does take the good parts of Angular and React and turn it into this nice framework. I then learned how to write basic regular expressions for validating a user’s first name, last name, and password. Finally, for validating a user’s email, I used Firebase to create a user in a database and then sending a verification email to verify that the user’s email is valid. Before using Firebase, I thought I could use regular expressions to validate the character pattern of emails. However, after researching about validating emails with regular expressions, I learned that it is impossible and inefficient to create a regular expression that validates the many patterns of email addresses. That is when I brainstormed other ways of validating emails and came to the realizations that many web app forms use verification emails to validate an email address and that is how I decided to implement Firebase to the project since their software development kit (SDK) is quick to use and their documentation is well written.

You can check out the project’s repository here.